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Designing for tech clients: this is how pre-built websites will help you

If you are reading this article, it could well be because you’re working with a tech company or a startup, or have done so in the recent past. You’ve probably taken note of the fact that this niche appears at times to follow its own rules. Leaving you with some questions you find difficult to answer.

Among them: What is the audience looking for? What is a tech client’s preferred design style? Do web design trends matter in this particular domain?

We have some solutions that you should find beneficial, now, and in the future. We’ve also analyze a selection of tech-oriented pre-built websites to help you along the way. And save you valuable time in the process.

Adhering to Current Trends is Essential When Designing for a Tech Company

Is your website hot or not? The educated Internet user can tell, and usually do so at a glance. Trends don’t represent the latest fads or fashions. When you take full advantage of them, your products will send a message of freshness and coolness.

These trends are not difficult to understand or follow.

Here are four of them:

  • Use Flat Icons. Shadows, gradients, and other special effects should go out the window. A simple flat or minimalist design is all that is required to show the user the path to take. The well-informed, tech-oriented user does not need decorative road signs to show the way.

Pre-Built Websites

The fine touches count, when working on a tech-oriented website.

  • Use Bold Colors. You may have fallen in love with certain color schemes that have worked well in the past for many or most other types of websites. For your tech website to make a statement, bold colors work best. The hot colors and color schemes are fresh, clean, and dynamic.
  • Use Data-driven Elements. Tech clients feel a need to communicate important data on their websites. Using data-driven elements allows you to work on your own data visualization schemes. Rather than having to rely on third party software.
  • Choose Your Typography Carefully.  Be sure to use in-browser fonts that are designed for use on all screens. The goal here is to select typography that will be delivered flawlessly. No matter which device or screen size a visitor is using.

Ten Cool Tech-Oriented Pre-Built Websites

Pre-built websites are not simply useful design tools. They are powerful design tools. By using them, you can create websites faster. They take but a single click to install. And it requires no coding skills to customize them to meet your requirements.

Pre-built websites, including those shown here are responsive and retina ready. They offer modern features like parallax effects and background video. And with Be Theme, you have more than 220 types and topics to select from.

Be App2

Be App2

This one page, super-clean prebuilt website focuses on communicating an app’s benefits and features. Structured as a landing page, it features a newsletter subscription form, a news area, sections for updates, and built with the required marketing information.

Be HiFi

Be HiFi

Take a stylish layout that focuses on big, beautiful images, and a down-to-earth e-commerce approach. You will have a winning recipe for a tech-related website. This pre-built website features a section for presenting new products, and sections devoted to product features and benefits.



The elements are structured to focus on the headline, in this pre-built website. The visual approach taken is definitely corporate – but, with a friendly twist. The icons, and clearly presented sections combine to provide a relaxing experience.

Be SmartApp

Be SmartApp

This Be SmartApp pre-built website shows what it takes to provide the user with a nice experience. There’s lots of white space, a clear product presentation, and a subtle but effective use parallax. The sections include a short description, areas relating to relevant product information, and a video presentation.

Be Ebook

Be Ebook

While this one page pre-built website is destined to a design e-book, it could be used to promote any type of e-book. It also gives an exceptional example of the Be team’s design creativity in the use of bold colors. Especially the purple-green combination.

Be Software

Be Software

Color schemes count. This dynamic, yet relaxing color scheme will be the first thing users will notice. This Be Software pre-built website features a classical home page header, a testimonial section, and areas for relevant product information. This design is a suitable starting point for a software product client.

Be Smarthome

Be Smarthome

This pre-built website’s hero image offers a first-hand look on how technology can transform a home. Cool icons and subtle special effects, a clever use of graphical elements throughout, add up to an engaging and informative pre-built website.

Be Notebook

Be Notebook

This pre-built website is destined for a notebook. Yet it is easy to see that it applies to many other eye candy tech products as well. In line with the latest design trends, a minimalist hero image, a flat icon area, and coherency throughout, provide a sense of equilibrium.

Be Launch

Be Launch

You can put this special-purpose pre-built website can to many uses. As demonstrated here, you can use the counter for a countdown to a product launch, or a special event. As is the case with all pre-built websites, you can customize it to fit a variety of purposes and needs.

Be Watch

Be Watch

This pre-built website is ideal if your client has a smartwatch shop, or deals in another tech-related product line. These pre-built websites are starting points. They can easily be customized to fit a client’s needs. Big, beautiful pictures and plenty of white space are in keeping with current e-commerce trends.

Be Theme – The Perfect Way to Get a Tech Company’s Website Off to a Fast Start

Be Theme offers tremendous value for money. It’s not hard to see why. Besides this theme’s powerful site-building tools and features, its pre-built website selection gives you what you need to present your clients with a high-quality deliverables. And do so in a record time.

These pre-built websites bring with them many useful features. These include one-click installation, no need for coding, and limitless customizing possibilities. Be’s team made every effort to incorporate the latest design trends and principles into these pre-built websites.

The result? You are provided with everything you need to build and deliver a kick-ass website.

How do you go about installing a pre-built website and begin working with it?

This video will show you how:

Why choose Be Theme? The fact that it’s a top 5 ThemeForest seller is one reason. Another reason is this. When you make Be Theme your choice, you are joining the ranks of more than 46,000 professional web designers who use it.