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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Category WordPress

A selection of the most useful WordPress themes, tutorials, and plugins, any of which is more than capable of delivering a great website for your online business.

Building a Facebook Like Box WordPress Widget

WordPress arguably has become the de facto content management system (CMS) in the world powering over 20 percent of websites globally. One of the platform’s most loved feature is widgets that seamlessly add content and features to sidebars. Widgets were…

How To Build a WordPress Contact Form

One feature common to almost every website in the world is the contact form. It can be used to collect feedback, complaints or useful information from website clients and users. A typical contact form consists of the following fields –…

Know the WordPress Theme and the File Structure

WordPress has clear distinction between the functionality of the site that is the different features you have on your site and the way the site is displayed to the user. The appearance of the WordPress site to the user is…

Understanding and Using Widgets in WordPress

WordPress widgets give the developer a tool to create functionality for the site. Then these widgets can be displayed on any widgetised area of the theme by the site admin. These widgets can have a wide variety of functionality from…