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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Category WordPress

A selection of the most useful WordPress themes, tutorials, and plugins, any of which is more than capable of delivering a great website for your online business.

Understanding and using Post meta in WordPress

WordPress lets you create by default two types of content – Posts and Pages. For posts and pages, you can write content in paragraph format in the visual editor in the WordPress admin. This content is shown by your theme…

Understanding and using WordPress Shortcodes

WordPress as a platform provides really good support for plugin developers to create functionality on top of WordPress. WordPress lets the plugin developer create functionality which the post creator can use as a macro in the post or the page…

Understanding and using $wpdb object in WordPress

WordPress being a highly customizable platform one can create a large number of plugins on top of it. These plugins can range from simple functionality to a completely complex plugin which performs a large number of tasks. WordPress provides a…

Custom Post Types in WordPress

WordPress started as a blogging engine to create blogs. As WordPress has gone more and more popular because of its ease of use, flexibility and beautiful user interface there was a need to make WordPress a platform for a wide…