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Free WordPress Theme: AyoShop – Responsive eCommerce Child Theme

Free WordPress Theme

AyoShop is a free WordPress Theme created for Genesis Framework and using WooCommerce. AyoShop is a clean and responsive eCommerce child theme. This WordPress theme suits any kind of online shop, for instance selling clothing, food, jewelry, etc.

What is Genesis Framework?

StudioPress has created Genesis Framework – a premium theme for WordPress supporting child-styled themes. Genesis Framework allows for easy and quick creation of professional sites on WordPress, regardless of skill level, from novice to advanced website. Among the many features of Genesis framework are a complete set of SEO settings, default page layouts, user widgets and a huge collection of child themes.

IMPORTANT! Please note, when using child themes, the presence of the Genesis Framework containing folder in the directory /wp-content/themes/ is a must.


What is WooCommerce?

WooCommerce is a convenient and free plugin to create a site with a section, allowing you to arrange a store and sell goods, services or other interesting things.

This plugin was originally based on the code of the Jigoshop project. But the team has made ​​a number of modifications and additions to it, which improved the interface for administrators and created templates to organize customer email-notifications, create a coupon system and collect reports on orders and completed sales transactions.

Learn more about AyoShop – free WordPress theme:

  • Almost all key features of Genesis Framework.
  • Easy to use.
  • Simple and non-bloated.
  • WooCommerce Ready.
  • Responsive layout. Use Opera mobile emulator to check it out.
  • Unlimited Color Schemes.
  • Child Theme Options
  • WP Customize ready.
  • Translations ready .po and .mo files.
  • Online documentation.
  • And much more …

AyoShop Demo

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