Active 9 years, 5 months ago-
Marcel Doe posted a new activity comment 10 years, 5 months ago
Aliquam ullamcorper, eros vitae accumsan pretium, tortor dolor dapibus metus, a tempus diam leo quis eros.
Marcel Doe posted an update 11 years ago
The economy of Slovenia is small, open, export-oriented and, subsequently, strongly influenced by international conditions. It has been severely hurt by the European economic crisis, started in late 2000s.
Marcel Doe posted an update 11 years ago
Marcel Doe posted an update 11 years ago
Slovene is the only official language throughout the country, whereas Italian and Hungarian are regional minority languages.
Marcel Doe posted an update 11 years ago
Curabitur pharetra interdum suscipit. Nulla varius accumsan mauris, quis elementum neque volutpat vitae.